Someone or Jealousy? Understand This Free Dating Ideas Mechanism

Free Dating Ideas Mechanism, The fear of losing someone is a very common concern for people. Building a relationship isn’t usually easy. It is necessary to make frequent agreements and sacrifices, in addition to going through multiple moments of fear, anguish, joys, achievements, sadness and pleasure. It’s a never-ending rollercoaster of emotions . Periods lived together, combined with feelings of love and affection, give rise to fear of losing the loved one and jealousy. Both may look similar, but each has a motivation. A person addicted to both jealousy and the fear of losing finds it difficult to have good relationships. Affective bonds are usually superficial or turbulent, culminating in the end of the relationship.

Why are we jealous?

Jealousy is the manifestation of the insecurity of those who are afraid of losing someone they love. The jealous individual usually has feelings and thoughts that lead him to believe in the possibility of the loved one being “stolen” by another. Along with jealousy, a set of emotions manifest – anger, resentment, fear, disgust, helplessness and hopelessness – and incite a variety of reactions.

The jealous person may, for example, try to control the spouse’s life, get angry and constantly accuse him of infidelity , be aggressive with alleged “Romantic Competitors“, punish the partner for having “given reasons” for jealousy and demand demonstrations of love. and partner loyalty. Even if motivated by the fear of losing the loved one, all these attitudes weaken the relationship. The jealous person does not usually realize that he is acting in a domineering or repressive manner. Thus, if he ends up pushing his spouse away due to his conduct, he does not understand why. In his mind, he was just doing what was necessary to keep his loved one close.

Why are we afraid of losing someone we love?

It’s not good to lose someone dear, be it a partner, family member or friend. Leaving a person we love and want to be close to is painful and distressing. Many suffer just by imagining this possibility.

People are afraid of losing a loved one for many reasons. Free Dating Ideas Mechanism Not all are related to jealousy. Fear of the future, lack of self-esteem , insecurity in oneself and/or in one’s spouse, the desire to prevent suffering or simply the fear of losing such a dear and pleasant person. The loss of a loved one can prove fears nurtured for years, such as “I’m not someone interesting”, “It’s impossible for people to like me” and “I’m destined to be alone “. So, before the breakup happens, people already start to worry.

Fear of Losing Someone or Jealousy? Understand This Free Dating Ideas Mechanism

They get stuck in the “is it?” and in the “what if…?” and fail to enjoy the present. Often their concern makes them focus on insignificant issues and cause irritation and suffering to the other. In this way, the partner himself feels the urge to end the relationship. Free Dating Ideas Mechanism Another very common and harmful scenario for mental health is emotional dependence arising from the fear of losing AnastasiaDate someone dear. To make the other stay, people subject themselves to humiliation and restrictions of their will.

Some are also afraid of reliving pain caused by the death of a loved one or spouse. This is a very common defense mechanism that repeats itself under different circumstances. Because they fear going through the same experience, they cannot relax. Consequently, these people’s relationships are superficial and sabotaged by their own defensive postures.

How long is jealousy acceptable in a relationship? – Free Dating Ideas Mechanism

Jealousy is seen by a large number of people as a way to “spice up” the relationship or a show of care. Jealousy is proof that the spouse cares, that he wants to take care of the other. To feel loved, these people tease their partner and try to get different reactions from him.

These perceptions seem innocent, but they aren’t cool. It is normal for jealousy to appear from time to time, especially when the loved one seems to get along very well with someone else. However, constant manifestations of jealousy and teasing damage the relationship.

They can evolve into attempts to restrict the partner’s freedom. The jealous person controls where he goes and who he interacts with, in addition to being always worried about the possibility of him meeting someone else. For example, if a new professional starts working in his department, the jealous person is already thoughtful. Can he be a competitor for his partner’s love? As jealousy is born of insecurity, it is not good to feed it.

Fear of losing someone or jealousy?  Understand this mechanism

One must understand that it is impossible to control other people. We can only trust the loved one and believe that he also wants us well. To one who is jealous, this notion may seem inconceivable. If someone hits on my partner should I keep quiet? Yea! After all, it’s his responsibility to say you’re committed and not interested in flirting, not yours. You don’t need to direct your spouse to demonstrate a commitment to you. Excessive jealousy can end up materializing the jealousy’s greatest fear: distance from the loved one. Nobody wants to have their freedom restricted, especially by a loved one.

How to deal well with the fear of losing someone? – Free Dating Ideas Mechanism

The fear of losing someone has more to do with you than the other person. Your past relationships, your beliefs about love and your negative experiences influence how you relate. You may have unconsciously developed a fear of being alone, a lack of affection, or a jealous personality. So no matter how hard you try, you can’t enjoy your relationships and they end up coming to an end.

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For you to lose insecurities and fears that hinder your relationships, you need to understand that love relationships are unpredictable and uncontrollable precisely because people are like that. They are constantly changing, so what was a priority yesterday is no longer a priority today. How to control so many transformations? It’s impossible!

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